Daniel Kihn

Daniel Kihn

Friday, October 4, 2013

How Does a Snap-On Gutter Work?

Figure A.

Does this picture confuse you? That's okay, it's just a diagram that over complicates a simple home improvement task. The other day as I walked the beat in the lumber department, I receive a page overhead saying a customer is in need of assistance with the gutters, which are part of my department. Dread swept over me like the Winter's chill. What could they need? I have no clue about any of that stuff! No training was given to me nor do I have practical experience with gutters. Despite me fear, I pressed on and found the lost soul in question. I braced myself for the worst as I greeted him and asked what he needed.

Customer: How do these snap-on gutters work?

Me:...They snap on, sir

Customer: Can you show me?

At this point my brain has imploded from the stupidity and I ask him to repeat himself.

Customer: Can you show me how these work?

Naturally, I say okay and walk over the a gutter and easily snap it on. There is a pause and the customer leans forward to examine my magic. Even a millisecond of contemplation is too long for something so simple. He eyes me and says thank you. An hour passes and when I go to Customer Service to gather the returns that are for my department, a single and lonely snap-on gutter sat in the cart. I suppose the customer didn't write down what I did or it was just beyond his comprehension. Somewhere, right now, a man is standing in his yard and crying as leaves clog up his gutters. He'll collapse to his knees in his grass and curse the Heavens and plead for a reprieve and an answer on how to sto this horrible plague upon his house.


  1. I can't say much because I'd probably be like that guy, sobbing in the yard and cursing the cold and uncaring universe for my woes... I'm not a very hands on person.

  2. HAHAHA, too funny! You are in the business of working with people. It is not exactly the most fun, you get some unoriginal characters.

    I look forward to reading more!

  3. I just had people look into my office door as I howled. I always suspected the Lowes men weren't trained, but I can't count the number of times I've asked similar questions with similar results.

    Dr C

  4. I'm with Mike...I would have been just like that man. Not quite understanding what to do and what you are talking...so I end up with clogged gutters

  5. This is too funny! I'm excited to read more of your entertaining experiences!

  6. I've been in this situation way to many times haha, I feel your pain! I always have great stories from work though, and I'm glad to see someone else sharing theirs. Looking forward to more posts.
